Dental Services in Queens, NY
Our Services
Here is a brief overview of the many services we offer to our patients:
Our classic metal option uses high-quality braces, gentle pressure that is healthy for the teeth and the roots, and allows for even our most complex treatment plans to finish with brilliant results. Visits are typically every 4-8 weeks apart, and colors are changed each visit.
Clear braces are made from ceramic; they are esthetic, highly effective, and let you feel more comfortable smiling while in treatment. We typically combine clear braces on top with metal on bottom, allowing for better long-term health of the edges of the upper teeth. Functionally, there are few differences between Metal and Clear braces. Visits are typically every 4-8 weeks apart.
Aligners are our most esthetic treatment option. The plastic aligners are a removable treatment modality that patients can insert and remove on their own. However, there are fixed pieces of dental filling material attached to the teeth, known as “attachments.” Because the plastic can be removed for brushing, aligners tend to be healthier for your teeth, gums, and roots long term. For more complex treatment plans, sometimes braces and aligners are combined into hybrid treatment plans. Visits are typically every 4-12 weeks apart.
The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that the first orthodontic consultation is conducted at age 7. Although most children do not need any treatment at that age, a small percentage of children present with orthodontic problems at a young age. Typically, if treatment is done at such an early age, it is kept brief (<1 year), with very specific treatment goals — this short round of treatment is known as “Phase 1” treatment. The vast majority of these children who have treatment at an early age will still need comprehensive orthodontic treatment at a later age. Comprehensive orthodontic treatment is the longer, more involved round of treatment, and it is known as “Phase 2” treatment, described below. If no treatment is indicated at an early age, your orthodontist will recommend seeing you at a specific time interval, anywhere from 3 months to 2 years, depending on your child’s specific needs.
When most people think of getting braces, they are usually thinking about Comprehensive Orthodontic Treatment, also known as Phase 2 treatment (not Phase 1 treatment, described above). Treatment goals are very thorough, and including alignment of the teeth, alignment of the jaws, and improving jaw function such that the teeth and bite are stable long-term. Sometimes, in order to achieve optimal long-term results and keep your teeth healthy for the rest of your life, orthodontists do recommend procedures from other dental offices — exposures, extractions, dental prosthetic work (implants, bridges, composite bondings). We will gladly communicate with the rest of your dental team to ensure your treatment goes smoothly.
After Phase 2 treatment is complete, retainers are needed. Although we know most individuals will stop wearing their retainers after a few years, we do say “retainers are nighttime for a lifetime.” The reality is, teeth will want to shift throughout your life — it is normal, natural, and healthy for them to do so. By giving you retainers, we are simply slowing, delaying, and minimizing any shifting so that you get to keep your fantastic result for as long as possible. Even with excellent retainer wear, some mild shifting is inevitable — there is no such thing as freezing the teeth in one position for the rest of your life. Especially for those individuals who start out with more severe orthodontic concerns, it is not unusual to require touch-up pretreatment later on in life. At &align orthodontics, we typically make essix (plastic) retainers, but can also offer fixed (glued-in) retainers and Hawley (acrylic/metal combination) retainers at your request.
Sometimes, comprehensive treatment is not the goal. Maybe you just need a small task accomplished — setting up space or bone for dental work, making slight improvements by a certain date, or touch-up re-treatment. We are happy to discuss how we can best help you achieve your goals.
Teeth tend to yellow during most orthodontic treatments, due to decreased access to cleaning the teeth. Ask about our in-office whitening options and at-home whitening gels!
For some patients, orthodontic treatment needs to be combined with orthognathic surgery for optimal results. This type of treatment requires careful planning and timing, excellent communication between your orthodontist and oral surgeon, and a supportive team that will work tirelessly to achieve great results. We are here to help guide you through these more involved treatment modalities, and discuss treatment alternatives, if possible.
Expanders are a form of treatment that help widen the upper jaw. In some cases, creating space for crowded teeth is an added benefit of an expander. Expanders may have favorable effects on growth and the airway. In non-growing individuals, alternative forms of expansion may be needed. We are happy to review the benefits and indications for an expander if needed for your treatment.
Habit breakers are designed to discourage finger habits (nail biting, thumb-sucking), forward tongue posture, and object-related (pencil, blanket) habits. These types of habits, if left untreated, can have major effects on not only the teeth, but also overall growth in children. We always advised that patients must be emotionally ready to stop habits once and for all, and then habit breakers and other treatment options to discourage habits can be attempted. Beware – if habits ever come back, the teeth will shift!
The gums will change in size and shape with treatment. They will become lower and thinner in some areas, and higher in other areas. Most commonly, the gums may overgrow and become inflamed during treatment in the present of inadequate brushing. Ask our team members how to improve at-home hygiene techniques in order to minimize overgrowth of the gums. If the gums do change in size and shape, we sometimes temporarily remove wires to allow the swelling to decrease. Alternatively, it is important o know that 6-8 weeks after braces are removed, the gum swelling will decrease significantly, simply because patients have better access to brushing their teeth. We do offer in-office gum reshaping procedures to level out the gums and reduce them – this is called a gingivectomy. If the gum levels are too low or too thin and gum tissue needs to be added back, or if a more complex gingivectomy is needed, we will refer you to a gum specialist.

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